
flox provides multiple options, using the engine kwarg, for computing the core GroupBy reduction on numpy or other array types other than dask.

  1. engine="numpy" wraps numpy_groupies.aggregate_numpy. This uses indexing tricks and functions like np.bincount, or the ufunc .at methods (.e.g np.maximum.at) to provided reasonably performant aggregations.

  2. engine="numba" wraps numpy_groupies.aggregate_numba. This uses numba kernels for the core aggregation.

  3. engine="flox" uses the ufunc.reduceat method after first argsorting the array so that all group members occur sequentially. This was copied from a gist by Stephan Hoyer

  4. engine="numbagg" uses the reductions available in numbagg.grouped from the numbagg project.

See Duck Array Support for more details.


For the common case of reducing a nD array by a 1D array of group labels (e.g. groupby("time.month")), engine="numbagg" is almost always faster, and engine="flox" can be faster.

The reason is that numpy_groupies converts all groupby problems to a 1D problem, this can involve some overhead. It is possible to optimize this a bit in flox or numpy_groupies, but the work has not been done yet. The advantage of engine="numpy" is that it tends to work for more array types, since it appears to be more common to implement np.bincount, and not np.add.reduceat.


One other potential engine we could add is datashader. Contributions or discussion is very welcome!